Thursday, July 19, 2012

Summer and What Comes Next

Sorry we've been out of touch on here for a while. The spring and the end of the school year we're very chaotic. It seemed like every weekend and weeknight were filled with activities and end of the year events. As I'm sure you've figured out via the facebook world, we're back in the states. We flew into Ohio at the end of June. We've been in Ohio, Maryland, and a little time in Tennessee (too short of a time!). We're heading to Florida with my family next week, and then we'll have about a week in Ohio to close out our summer. We just wanted to let you know where we were, and update you on our plan for next year.

We'll be flying back to Dubai on the 6th, and we'll get into A-stan on the 9th. Yes, that means we're going back for another school year! There are (as always) uncertainties still with the country and even the school, but we feel reassured in our call and our decision to go back. We are really excited about another year with the students and staff at the school. Thank you for your prayers and support up until this point, and thank you for continuing to pray for us through the rest of the summer and this next school year.

We're making it our goal to do a better job at blogging, for our family's sake and for our memory's sake.  Feel free to e-mail us at any time at, and we'll do our best to show you our year through pictures on facebook and our thoughts on here.


1 comment:

  1. So glad we got to see you guys!! You'll be in our prayers for sure as you love on those kids and pursue adventure!
